In recent years, a practice called face fitness, also known as face yoga, has  come back into vogue. The origins of face fitness are lost in time and the first  evidence dates back to the distant seventeenth century, and had its golden  period in the early 1900s.

But why, today that we have modern technological devices and the most  advanced aesthetic medicine remedies, are we witnessing an overwhelming  limelight of face fitness? We live in a strongly contradictory period, in which,  even in aesthetics, technology is contrasted with a more natural and  sustainable self-care, a conservative approach that leads us to welcome  practices that not only have an intrinsic value, but help us to reconnect deeply  with our not only physical self. And face fitness goes precisely in this sense. It  does not limit itself to preventing and fighting the (inevitable) signs of aging,  but helps the facial tissues to remain trophic, improving microcirculation  and consequently the nourishment of the skin directly from the inside. This has  a surprising effect on the appearance of the face, which appears more relaxed,  radiant and healthy.

Over time, the static of the face, subject to numerous stimuli and solicitations,  tends to lose its original structure. Postural and chewing defects, moods that  leave their traces on the face through recurring expressions, spasms of some  muscles that inevitably lead to the hypotonus of others: face fitness allows  us to intervene on these important factors that they bring in the long term  structural changes in the tissues in depth, restoring a correct balance  between them.

Most of the facial muscles are called mimic muscles and allow the face to  express a great variety of facial expressions and consequently to express  emotions. They work differently than skeletal muscles: they do not move any  joints or bony parts, with the exception of the chewing muscles. It follows that  the training of these muscles differs from that of all other body areas,  and must be performed under the guidance of expert figures in order to avoid  compromising the delicate tissue balance.

Face fitness is not opposed to cosmetics, but rather is proposed as a practice  that assists and enhances its effects: by stimulating the tissues “from below”,  or starting from the muscular substrate, we have as a direct consequence a  beneficial revitalization of the microcirculation that involves also the skin,  allowing the active ingredients conveyed by cosmetics to increase  effectiveness. Performing face yoga exercises also helps to keep the facial fat  compartments in the right position, essential for maintaining freshness and a  toned appearance.

Already after a few sessions we will be able to see improvements on tissue  drainage and consequently on facial swelling, an aspect that can also be of  great help in the care of asphyxiated, impure or acne-prone skin. Since  they are linked to drainage, even imperfections such as bags and dark circles  can benefit from a regular practice of face yoga.

Before starting with the practice, it is advisable to identify the peculiar characteristics of one’s physiognomy, to build a routine that intervenes in targeted way on specific individual needs.


Abigail M. Smith,Taylor Ferris, Vinayak K. Nahar, Manoj Sharma – Non-Traditional and Non-Invasive Approaches in Facial Rejuvenation: A Brief Review; Cosmetics 2020, 7(1), 10


Dott. Giulia Dazzan
Cosmetic Consultant&Business
Developer – Scientific Editorial

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